To maintain good oral health, it's important to floss properly, taking into account your tooth shape and flossing frequency.
Learn how to shop for dog dental treats and chews, and find the best ones from Greenies, Purina, Milk-Bone and more.
bacteria can also form plaque on the surface of your teeth, which can exacerbate that acidity and create an ideal environment for even more bacteria to proliferate. This can turn into tartar ...
If it's not properly addressed, this condition can lead to serious dental problems. Tartar, also known as calculus, forms in your dog's mouth when plaque—a soft, sticky substance—builds up on ...
Have you checked little Fido's teeth lately? Just like human teeth, plaque and tartar build up when bacteria in your pet's ...
Gum disease is the chronic bacterial infection that, if left untreated, can cause serious problems. Our mouths are filled with bacteria, including the good kinds that protect our teeth and gums.
Dental health is important when caring for pets. Many pet health experts say that a pet's first professional dental examination and cleaning should occur at around age 2 or 3.
Will Draper, DVM And by chewing on the hard surface of the bones, they strengthened their teeth, they stimulated their gums, and they wore off some of the plaque and tartar. Narrator Tip number ...