Daryl Dixon is an intriguing standalone spin-off of the original series, which can be jumped into without more than a little ...
Daryl Dixon, who never left the South before ’The Walking Dead,’ is expanding his world tour. What can we expect from his third season?
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon is the third spin-off series of the franchise based on the smash-hit graphic novels by Robert Kirkman and artist Tony Moore. The series finds fan favourite Daryl Dixon ...
When I watched the entirety of Daryl Dixon, the new Walking Dead spin-off starring (you know who) and set in France, I didn’t really like it as much as I did the base show or the other recent ...
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon premiered on AMC in September 2023 as the continuation of everyone's favorite ill-tempered ...
The next in line is The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - a mini-series featuring the continuing adventures of Norman Reedus' much-loved character. Here's everything we know about the new series so far ...
Deadline confirmed that The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon is set to premiere in late 2023, though an exact date has yet to be announced. AMC originally announced a trilogy movie to be made in 2018.