“Wait with no specifics? I always say ‘dirty martini, Bombay Sapphire, extra olives… but filthy like Shrek lives inside that glass please,” someone asked. “If they just say a dirty martini I assume ...
What's the perfect martini? It might not exist — but it's the reach for perfection that gives the classic cocktail its ...
No cocktail commands greater cultural status ... Ask any bartender instead for a classic dry martini and they oblige, bringing some very good blue cheese-studded olives to try on the side.
Family-owned spirits company, Bacardi is meeting consumer demand for lighter, more premium drinks and evolving drinking occasions by building on the premium credentials of MARTINI, one of the most ...
Mark E. Potts is the senior editor for video at the Los Angeles Times. A native of Enid, Okla., Potts graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a master’s degree in broadcast journalism. He has ...
The MARTINI portfolio includes vermouth for every style of drink and occasion including MARTINI Bianco, Rosso, Fiero, Rosato, and Extra Dry, as well as the MARTINI Non-Alcoholic Aperitivo range of ...
The martini is the eternal cocktail; always relevant, always classic. But it does go through plenty of revisions with time.
Family-owned spirits company, Bacardi is meeting consumer demand for lighter, more premium drinks and evolving drinking occasions by building on the premium credentials of MARTINI, one of the most ...
On The Rocks Premium Cocktails introduced a new addition to its lineup: Lemon Drop Martini, now available nationwide as a ...
New signature drink, the MARTINI Bianco Spritz, with the classic MARTINI Rosso on ice (Photo: Business Wire) Emma Fox, Global VP, MARTINI & ST-GERMAIN (Photo: Business Wire) New contemporary ...
The MARTINI portfolio includes vermouth for every style of drink and occasion including MARTINI Bianco, Rosso, Fiero, Rosato, and Extra Dry, as well as the MARTINI Non-Alcoholic Aperitivo range of ...