Tarzan, the iconic King of the Jungle, has been portrayed by various actors in movies and TV series over the years. The film ...
The Tarzan / Lone Ranger Adventure Hour is an animated television series produced by Filmation that aired on CBS during the early 1980s. The series consisted of reruns of Tarzan, Lord of the ...
Weeks after his passing on Sept. 29, Ron Ely’s cause of death has been revealed. Per a death certificate obtained by TMZ, Ely, the actor best known for playing the title role in the Tarzan TV series, ...
Per a death certificate obtained by TMZ, Ely, the actor best known for playing the title role in the Tarzan TV series, died from “end-stage heart disease.” He was 86. “The world has lost one ...
Ron Ely, the actor best known for his role on the TV series “Tarzan” has died. He was 86. The star passed away on Sept. 29 at ...