In this delightful animated adventure, charming bandit Flynn Rider is taken hostage by Rapunzel, a long-haired beauty who longs to escape the tower where she has been held captive for most of her ...
Rapunzel is getting her own live-action film, a huge director has been attached and cast suggestions are going viral. Tangled hive assemble. Disney are officially making a live-action Rapunzel and ...
Kathryn Hahn is one of the fan-favourites to star in Disney's live-action Tangled movie as Mother Gothel. Another popular fan-casting is Kathryn Hahn as Mother Gothel. Now, she's revealed if she ...
Disney is adding ‘Tangled’ to its animated-to-live-action ... sarcastic horse who steals the movie from under the main characters. Gracey co-wrote, directed and produced ‘Better Man ...