In this delightful animated adventure, charming bandit Flynn Rider is taken hostage by Rapunzel, a long-haired beauty who longs to escape the tower where she has been held captive for most of her ...
So perhaps for that reason, it will likely come as no surprise to fans that Disney is apparently set to team up with two of ...
"Mean Girls" star Avantika Vandanapu has received backlash on social media for her rumored casting in a live-action ...
Mother Gothel had a catchy song, and her overall plot and the desperate nature of her character worked perfectly in the movie ...
Rapunzel is getting her own live-action film, a huge director has been attached and cast suggestions are going viral. Tangled hive assemble. Disney are officially making a live-action Rapunzel and ...
Kathryn Hahn is one of the fan-favourites to star in Disney's live-action Tangled movie as Mother Gothel. Another popular fan-casting is Kathryn Hahn as Mother Gothel. Now, she's revealed if she ...
Disney is adding ‘Tangled’ to its animated-to-live-action ... sarcastic horse who steals the movie from under the main characters. Gracey co-wrote, directed and produced ‘Better Man ...