The High Court on Monday commuted the death sentences of three convicts in the 2017 rape and murder of college student Zakira Sultana Rupa in a moving bus near Modhupur, Tangail.
A mobile court in a drive today destroyed two illegal lead manufacturing factories set up in the forest area in Ghatail upazila of Tangail. Executive Magistrate Sharmin Islam, upazila nirbahi ...
Murals of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and four other national leaders have been destroyed by unidentified individuals at the Shahid Smrity Pouro Udyan in Tangail city. The incident occurred ...
There is a war brewing between Bangladesh and the east Indian state of West Bengal. While the two states got divided back in 1947- with Bangladesh becoming predominantly a Muslim state and called ...
Pori Moni, a popular actress known for her engaging public appearances, faced unexpected challenges that prevented her from attending an event in Tangail today. Despite days of promotion on Facebook, ...