The sun stones correspond with the decline of the so-called Funnel Beaker tradition in European Neolithic culture, or the era ...
Archeologists Discover Hundreds of Decorated Stone Artifacts on an Island, Offered it to Gods to Banish ‘Darkened Sun’ ...
Located on the southern end of the Danish island of Bornholm, these stones are flat pieces of shale featuring intricately ...
The clustering of these stones in time and space suggests a specific purpose or event. Iversen and his colleagues believe ...
Hundreds of stone artifacts discovered on a Danish island may have been offered to the gods to ward off a climate crisis.
Ancient people on the Danish island of Bornholm sacrificed sunstones, carved to symbolize the Sun, during a massive volcanic ...
A "completely unique" collection of prehistoric stone artifacts have been linked to a "devastating" volcanic eruption.
During a preview of the space, CEO Robert Triefus mapped out the strategies for the future and revealed that a new flagship ...
Neolithic people buried hundreds of stones carved with images of the sun about 4900 years ago and they may have done it ...