When you stick your chopsticks upright into food any other time, it's considered unlucky, and you may even invite a random hungry spirit to your dinner table! Don't stab your food with a chopstick ...
Rest it on the edge of your ring finger. The chopsticks should be parallel. Hold the lower stick steady and move only the upper stick. Keep some space between the sticks to clasp the food. It is time ...
Almost all the sets came from one small drawer in my kitchen — that, yes, is a now little less crowded (but still crammed ...
Now you have your high-water mark. When you want to check how much it has reduced, simply stick it back into the pot ... Even if you never use a chopstick to actually cook food, you can certainly ...
Now you have your high-water mark. When you want to check how much it has reduced, simply stick it back into ... food you are frying or boiling There are some tasks best done with a pair of ...