Mark Waid’s thought-provoking storyline strips Steve Rogers of his most fundamental identity – his American citizenship. When the U.S. government declares Cap a man without a country, he faces a ...
Any MCU adventure featuring Captain America was up for consideration. This means that the four Avengers movies were as fair game as a Captain America film. The catch? Cap had to be at least somewhat ...
In the vast history of Marvel Comics, only a few moments have sparked as much shock and debate as the introduction of HYDRA Captain America ... Steve Rogers possessed the same super-soldier ...
Screen from The Falcon and the Winter Soldier trailer: Samuel Wilson (Anthony Mackie) looking at the Captain America shield, with a poster of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) in the background.
Somehow, it’s been five whole years already since Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers bowed out of the ... streaming series The Falcon And The Winter Soldier ended with Sam suiting up as the Marvel ...