Beloved scientist Stephen Hawking, who overcame a debilitating disease to continue probing the mysteries of the universe, died Wednesday at the age of 76. Hawking authored numerous books ...
Scientists, politicians and actors have paid tribute to world renowned physicist Stephen Hawking ... Prof Hawking was diagnosed with a rare form of motor neurone disease at the age of 21 and ...
Despite his disease, Stephen had a great sense of fun and was determined to do as much as he could. He had three children, wrote 15 books and even flew like an astronaut! Stephen Hawking died ...
Stephen Hawking was both one of ... of sparkling intellect and failing body. Prof Hawking was diagnosed with a rare form of motor neurone disease when he was 22. The nerves that controlled his ...
Stephen Hawking has died peacefully at home at the age of 76. The world-renowned physicist was told he would only have two years to live when diagnosed motor neuron disease, a rare form of ALS ...
Beloved scientist Stephen Hawking, who overcame a debilitating disease to continue probing the mysteries of the universe, died Wednesday at the age of 76. Hawking authored numerous books ...
Stephen Hawking was born on the 300th anniversary ... He remains extremely busy, his work hardly slowed by Lou Gehrig's disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a disease that affects muscle ...