The new Paramount+ Starfleet Academy series takes place in the 32nd century, while Voyager was set in the 24th century, so Picardo will be playing a 900-year-old holographic doctor. Star Trek ...
If you’ve never watched it, now is the time to go back and check out Star Trek: Voyager. The series was groundbreaking in a number of ways, and remains a major fan-favorite to this day.
And in true Star Trek fashion ... Data is probably the most human of any of the characters.” (Trek Alert: “Voyager” TV series involved a starship tossed into the Delta Quadrant trying ...
Richard D. James, the Emmy-winning production designer who worked on all but one of the 14 seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager, has died. He was 88. James died Nov. 11 of ...