The timing of the application of self-hypnosis therapeutic techniques can be critical for achieving optimal results.
Hypnosis, long the focus of sceptics' doubts, really works, scientists say. Dr David Spiegel, chair of psychiatry and behavioural sciences at Stanford University, California, told the conference ...
For instance, an actor might imagine acting flawlessly just before going on stage. Self-Hypnosis to Curb Anxiety Regular use of hypnosis for self-calming can help in coping better with anxiety and ...
Up to eight people will be on stage for the hypnosis at the Bretherton Arms, but Dave Rawson says he will not know until the night itself how many will be hypnotised. He will look after the entire ...
Up to eight people will be on stage for the hypnosis at the Bretherton Arms, but Dave Rawson says he will not know until the night itself how many will be hypnotised. He will look after the entire ...