DNR Many homeowners in northern Minnesota are asking the questions: Are my spruce trees dying? Should I be spraying something on them to help?  Your spruce trees are not dying and ...
I would venture to guess that the most popular evergreen tree for Idaho landscapes is the blue spruce (Picea pungens). They ...
Spruce trees should be full, green, and vibrant in your yard and landscaping. There are many problems that could lead to damage, including fungal diseases like rhizosphaera needle cast.
Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. (Psalm 16: 5, 6.) ...
Few people have seen the spruce grouse, with its have striking plumage: red combs like giant fake eyelashes on top of the ...
Charlie’s evergreen had a short, crooked form, with wimpy branches and needles that easily dropped off. Evidently, Charlie Brown had picked a tree completely opposite from the most common species of ...