Typically, distance runners should aim to start this work in an ‘off season’ period of foundation training to allow the space ...
If you’re interested in accelerating your running speed and covering further distances, you’ll probably want to know about ...
Sprint interval training, or SIT, is super trendy right now. It’s a great way to improve your running speed and to get in a hard interval workout, and I’ll explain exactly how. But I also need ...
“People always associate sprinting with set distances of 100 or 200 metres. But in my training we do distances from 20, 30, 40 metres… all the way up. Don’t get stuck on those Olympic and pr ...
And learning how to sprint faster means putting some key training techniques on your schedule and zeroing in on a few form points to help you run more efficiently. For that, we explain the basic ...
The Miami University Art Center located in Phillips Hall is the home of the popular Art Sprint Class program, which includes classes in ceramics, photography, 3D design, drawing, glasswork, jewelry, ...
gmail.com Well-trained academy rugby league and rugby union academy players were randomised to complete 4 weeks of hypoxic or normoxic repeated sprint training during the preseason period.
The winner of Scotland's historic New Year Sprint has dedicated his victory to his former coach who died just weeks before ...