9 (5--13)--0.704 Spleen size on USG (cm) 14.0 (8.1--25.0) 13.5 (8.9--20.0)--0.120 Liver size on USG (cm) 10.0 (8.0--18.8) 12.0 (7.0--17.0)--0.031 Portal vein diameter on USG (mm) 12.1 (2--21 ...
These structures exert pressure on the splenic vein, obstructing blood flow and increasing venous pressure, leading to gastric varices. Stenosis of the splenic vein is a rare cause of SVH.
Background: It is currently recommended that all patients with liver cirrhosis undergo upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (UGIE) to identify those who have large esophageal varices (LEVx ...
In an axial image (Panel E), esophageal varices are visible in the lower thorax (arrow). A coronal image through the long axis of the spleen (Panel F) reveals an enlarged spleen (asterisk).