Zebrafish are vertebrates – they have a bony spine containing a spinal cord. The spinal cord passes signals from the brain to the rest of the body and vice versa. Blood never actually contacts the ...
“It was exciting to find that the neurons responsible for learning in the spinal cord — the dorsal horn ... the small number of neurons in larval zebrafish necessary for motion processing ...
The top image shows fluorescently labeled cells in the spinal cord of a zebrafish recovering one week after an injury, and the bottom image shows recovery four weeks after an injury. Researchers ...
In vertebrates, neurons in the spinal cord help generate movements and are modulated by inputs from the brain. We use zebrafish, a tiny, transparent vertebrate to study motor coordination. Spinal ...
Left: Neural stem cells covering both cerebral hemispheres of an adult zebrafish. Center: Magnification enabling identification of stem cells that are quiescent (green only), activated (green and ...