A new Spider-Man: The Animated Series Marvel Legends figure has arrived as the Chameleon has returned. This master of disguise is one of Spider-Man's earliest foes, and in the cartoon, he uses ...
Spider-Man Unlimited was a short-lived animated series from 1999–2001 that added a cosmic twist to the Spider-Man mythos. Peter Parker is searching for the astronaut John Jameson, the son of J.
Iron Fist and Power Man, to a new Superior Spider-Man and Astonishing Wolverine, there’s a lot to love no matter which corner of the Marvel universe is your favorite. The Marvel Legends 85th ...
“Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is finally here and it’s a bigger, better sequel in almost every single way,” reads the opening of our official review of the game. “Although it comes with some ...
Marvel’s Spider-Man is available, exclusively, for the PlayStation 4. For more, news, media, and information on the game and all things Spidey, be sure to peep our previous coverage of the title ...
Do you need additional renderings of Black Widow, Bruce Banner, Captain America, War Machine, Spider-Man, Thor, and possibly two more Iron Man armors? The Hasbro Marvel Legends series has got you ...