The "Knuckles" spinoff series expands on the world of the "Sonic the Hedgehog" franchise and introduces new characters, including potential villains. The first trailer for "Knuckles" reveals a ...
Gibbs and Montgomery, though, have a more specific nickname. The two are going by "Sonic and Knuckles," a modern nickname for a modern running back room. Here is how Gibbs and Montgomery got their ...
“Inside of our room, just really exicited. Our guys, ‘Sonic and Knuckles,’ it’s official now, I’ve been warned that that’s ...
At a recent convention, the voice of Knuckles, Scott Dreier, reveals that Knuckles basically does swear in Sonic Heroes. At the Sac Gamers Expo 2024 during a December 15 panel with David Humphrey ...