In mammals, this plasticity has two sources: V(D)J recombination, which builds antigen receptor genes from discrete DNA segments, and somatic hypermutation, which riddles the assembled genes with ...
综上,本研究发现了植物性母细胞在减数分裂起始时解除体细胞中存在的染色体空间组织和运动限制的关键机制 (Fig. 3),为理解包括动植物等在内的有性生殖生物减数分裂中同源染色体的配对和重组机制提供了重要见解。
Unlike its DNA repair role in somatic cells, homologous recombination has a distinct role in meiosis in ensuring proper chromosome segregation. In yeast, an early step of the meiotic program is the ...
Beyond its role in meiosis, recombination is important to somatic cells in eukaryotes because it can be used to help repair broken DNA, even when the break involves both strands of the double helix.