The Rs 3.5-crore boat, launched on March 31, operates two trips daily at 11am and 4pm, each three hours long. As many as 10,570 visitors have already travelled in the solar cruise vessel as the ...
A pair of narrowboat owners have started an ambitious project to build a solar-powered passenger canal boat. The plan is to launch an all-electric boat to operate on the Ashby Canal in Leicestershire.
Sometimes Miss Cross can only stream during the day, when there's abundant solar power. "Some games we can't play in the winter," Miss Cross says. Like the Boat Time duo, it's common for ...
We've showcased marine technology concepts that involve solar, wind and electric power. But here's a production boat with twin electric motors, and the company says it will make the powertrain ...
The integration of AI and solar power in Ecopeace's robots and the Healing Boat sets them apart from traditional water purification methods. While manual approaches are often slow and less ...