Please ensure your 3D model meets the following printer-specific requirements: File Format— Your 3D model file must be saved in STL (binary.stl) format. Make sure to export your design in "millimeters ...
With all the cool and useful parts you can whip up (relatively) quickly on a 3D printer ... uncoventional — he used SketchUp to create the traces and exported the STL. But there are ways ...
In the Maker Lab we have several Prusa i3 MK3S, Prusa MK4, and Prusa Mini 3D Printers as well as the Prusa XL. You can use any 3D modeling software that can save as a STL, 3MF, or OBJ. Here are some ...
The Form2 and Form 3 are hobby class prototyping machines that uses a UV light to cure a liquid plastic to print 3D parts. In the Maker Lab we have 2 Form2 3D printers along with post processing ...