Arudra Nakshatra (Thiruvathirai in Tamil) falls on Monday, January 13, marking the day when Lord Shiva first performed his cosmic dance.
In the pantheon of Hindu deities, Shiva stands as a paradox, a mystery, and a profound truth. He is the yogi who renounces ...
A rare group of aligned, star-birthing dwarf galaxies resemble a cosmic string of pearls. Astronomers have discovered a rare ...
Lord Shiva represents the concept of oneness, transcending divisions of caste, creed, and social status. In his cosmic dance of Nataraja, Shiva embodies both the creator and destroyer, signifying ...
In Tamil Nadu, devotees flocked to temples for the Thiruvathirai festival to honor Lord Shiva’s cosmic dance, coinciding with ...
The Arudhra Darshan celebrates ‘Nataraj’, the cosmic dance of God Shiva. This festival is also observed with great enthusiasm in Lord Shiva temples in Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Australia, and ...
A large number of devotees flocked to the temples to offer their prayers on the occasion of the Thiruvathirai festival in Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi ...