Arudra Nakshatra (Thiruvathirai in Tamil) falls on Monday, January 13, marking the day when Lord Shiva first performed his cosmic dance.
What if destruction wasn’t an end but a beginning? What if chaos didn’t mean disorder but transformation? These questions lie at the heart of Hindu philosophy and its profound understanding of the ...
In the pantheon of Hindu deities, Shiva stands as a paradox, a mystery, and a profound truth. He is the yogi who renounces ...
The stotram extols Shiva's cosmic dance and divine attributes, highlighting the power of devotion even in a flawed being like Ravana. According to legend, Ravana once attempted to lift Mount ...
In Tamil Nadu, devotees flocked to temples for the Thiruvathirai festival to honor Lord Shiva’s cosmic dance, coinciding with ...
This festival is celebrated with great pomp and show in the southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The Arudhra Darshan celebrates ‘Nataraj’, the cosmic dance of God Shiva. This festival is ...