Getting involved in a campus club/program that aligns with your personal identity or values. You understand that career and self development is an ongoing process of knowing yourself, committing to ...
Common topics include: self-assessment; choice of major and career field; exploration of career-related interests; pursuit of internships and employment; and application to professional and graduate ...
Caroline Castrillon covers career, entrepreneurship and women at work. In a TED Talk, organizational psychologist Tasha Eurich defines self-awareness as "the ability to see ourselves clearly ...
This module is designed to connect you to a rich network of alumni and industries in Sheffield, the UK and beyond, opening up opportunities for collaboration and career advancement. This module will ...
Career development is a personal and ongoing process requiring reflection, research and action planning. The University has a range of tools and development opportunities to help you manage your ...
Dr. Sumaya Alnasser is a prominent self-development expert transforming personal growth in the Arab world by blending ...
Designed to support individuals to work on themselves in their personal and professional lives, Rygor has launched a digital ...