Follow the misadventures of Dewey Finn, a rocker who poses as a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school as he teaches his unconventional and overachieving students to play and love rock 'n' ...
After being fired from his own rock band, a struggling musician poses as a substitute teacher at a private elementary school. After getting to know his class, he does everything to form a band ...
But although it has spawned an Andrew Lloyd Webber Broadway musical and a TV series, “School of Rock” has not been remade or turned into a sequel. “I wish there’d be a ‘School of Rock 2 ...
As he teaches the class about rock and roll, they realize that they like it and decide to form a band in secret. Without anyone else finding out, they experience all kinds of adventures.
SCHOOL OF ROCK is a brand new musical based on the famous Paramount film written by Mike White which starred Jack Black. The musical follows Dewey Finn, a failed wannabe rock star who decides to ...
Miranda Cosgrove has starred in various hit movies and on TV shows since she played Summer. Miranda Cosgrove played the precocious band manager Summer Hathaway in "School of Rock." Her only acting ...
Based on the film of the same name, School of Rock—The Musical tells the story of wannabe rock star Dewey Finn, who poses as a substitute teacher at a prestigious prep school. When he discovers ...
whom he met during high school, in 2006 before welcoming sons Sammy and Thomas. The California native's film credits include Dead Man Walking, Enemy of the State, Cradle Will Rock, High Fidelity ...
Two School of Rock alumni, Caitlin Hale and Angelo Massagli, just got married, with their wedding doubling as a mini Horace Green prep reunion. Hale and Massagli played singer Marta (a.k.a ...
Two School of Rock stars have married more than 20 years after filming the Hollywood hit with Jack Black. The 2003 film saw classmates come together to form a band, led by cool but struggling ...
Since their School of Rock days, Sophia has done numerous voice over work, a Digital TV Series, a short film and other commercial projects. Luke has appeared in TV, an Amazon Prime feature, and ...