But there is, unfortunately, one glaring exception: The Obama administration’s guidance on school discipline remains in full force. That guidance extended Black Lives Matter’s ideology down ...
When I went to school, corporal punishment was still a thing; California banned it in 1986. Did we miss it, really? No, we didn’t. Last September, new discipline guidelines for California schools were ...
In some cases, the district still turns to out-of-school suspensions to discipline students. But most are assigned in-school suspensions or counseling sessions, where they are assessed individually ...
The best behaviour policies balance a culture of discipline with lots of pastoral support, he says. "You need to have the compassion within the school structure. "If you have that, if you have the ...
(Starting in the 2022-23 school year, which is not covered in this database, the STARS manual indicates that the state has changed how multiple types of discipline are recorded for a single incident.) ...
Watertown and New Britain are two school districts now implementing a pilot suspension and expulsion program at elementary ...