The age of Saturn's rings has been a topic of debate for decades and the new findings could change how scientists view the planet's history and its dynamic interactions with the solar system.
Perhaps the most imposing sight you can see through a telescope is the planet Saturn with its magnificent system of rings. Stars are born from the great reservoirs of cosmic material, and they ...
Jamie Carter is an award-winning reporter who covers the night sky. Saturn is already visible in the post-sunset night sky, but it will reach its annual opposition on September 7-8, 2024.
Saturn’s moon Enceladus has geysers shooting tiny grains of ice into space. These grains could hold traces of life − but researchers need the right tools to tell.
A mysterious dark spot on Saturn's moon Enceladus has baffled scientists after it faded over several years. Discovered through NASA’s Cassini mission, the spot's sudden disappearance raises ...
Saturn’s moon Enceladus has geysers shooting tiny grains of ice into space. These grains could hold traces of life − but researchers need the right tools to tell.