The Sama-Bajau is a collective name for several peoples around Southeast Asia. But to outsiders, they've got one enormous claim to fame. Madigan's trial resumes Monday after his surprise testimony ...
The Bajau are capable of diving as deep as 70 meters without sophisticated equipment, armed only with stone weights and wooden goggles. Their ability to dive so deeply and for such long periods ...
The adaptation gives better endurance to the Bajau people, known as sea nomads, by increasing spleen size and, in turn, boosting the number of oxygenated red blood cells when diving. “This is a ...
Sea nomads have faced decades of discrimination in postcolonial Southeast Asia. Malaysia’s recent mass evictions of the Bajau Laut are just the latest example.
The Bajau can dive as deep as 70 meters without equipment, holding their breath for up to 13 minutes, a feat few can replicate. Similar to marine animals like seals, the Bajau’s adaptation ...
Scattered through Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines, the Bajau are a semi-nomadic tribe of fishers with extraordinary freediving skills. Research has shown that their anatomy has evolved to ...