Today, December 7/20, we celebrate the memory of our Father Among the Saints Ambrose of Milan. The Life of the Saint, written by his close disciple Paulinus, relays important information on the state ...
This Saint was born in Gaul in 340, and was a member of the Roman Senate. After the death of Auxentius, the Arian Bishop of Milan, a violent dispute arose among the Orthodox and Arians about who would ...
Born around 340, Saint Ambrose served as the bishop of Milan from 374 to 397. He is one of the four Great Latin Doctors of the Church, and is perhaps most famous for his role in the conversion of ...
Born around 340, Saint Ambrose served as the bishop of Milan from 374 to 397. He is one of the four Great Latin Doctors of the Church, and is perhaps most famous for his role in the conversion of ...
Escribano Paño, Mª Victoria 2021. El priscilianismo hoy: balance, perspectivas y aportaciones sobre la injerencia imperial en los conflictos eclesiásticos. Gerión ...