The telescope’s massive digital camera was built to take a lot of photos of the sky, in quick succession, for a very long ...
The telescope will catalogue billions of new objects and produce a new map of the entire night sky every three days with the largest digital camera ever made.
Formerly the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, the observatory was renamed in 2020 to honor Vera Rubin, who died at 88 in 2016 ...
A year of discovery awaits, with missions poised to reveal new insights about our home planet, solar system, galaxy, and ...
If Brown’s hidden world is real, Rubin will almost certainly find it or strong indirect evidence that it exists. “In the ...
Even small asteroids can do a lot of damage—and new research shows the James Webb Space Telescope is adept at spotting the tiniest of space rocks.
Some stargazers are calling it a planetary parade: Every other planet in our solar system can be seen in the sky tonight.
The Vera Rubin Observatory, this new telescope in Chile, will be able to look at an enormous tile of the sky at one time - 40 times the size of the full moon. And so by going tile by tile over ...
NSF NOIRLab has begun the New Year by unveiling a remarkable deep-space image of the Antlia Cluster, including hundreds of ...
Things have been tumultuous lately on Earth. Donald Trump will soon be sworn in as U.S. president, wars are raging, and ecosystems are at risk of collapsing. Many aspects of life feel unpredictable.
NSF NOIRLab rings in the New Year with a glittering galaxyscape captured with the Department of Energy-fabricated Dark Energy ...
Rubin Observatory in the near future," said Bellm ... news for time-domain astronomers," said Mansi Kasliwal, an astronomy professor at Caltech who will lead ZTF in the next two years.