It is now connected to the student WiFi network, and if this is your first time using the Roku, it will update and restart. Follow the on-screen instructions through the display and remote setup. Sign ...
You might need to pair the remote; if the on-screen instructions tell you ... on the next screen, set up your internet connection. Most Roku devices require a WiFi network, but if you have the ...
After the Roku screen appears on the TV (it should be on the language settings screen) and the remote is working, you can complete the setup process. Follow the instructions on each screen.
If you’re not as technologically handy as some, however, you may not know how to get started with your new Roku player! We’ll go step-by-step to walk you through the setup process and get you ...
To do that, follow the instructions in the first section of our article on mirroring to a Roku device, under "How to set up Roku for mirroring." Then make sure that VLC is installed on the device ...