Researcher and YouTube user [mspetitegeek] along with her lab mate [Tatsuhiko Itohara] have been fortunate enough to spend some time working with the HRP-2 humanoid robot from Kawada Industries.
Moritz Simon Geist sees his “Sonic Robots” not simply as an end in themselves, but a way to make new music and change how listeners engage with it. To upgrade techno, this engineer plays his ...
When the score takes the lead — perhaps most notably during the migration where Brightbill finally separates from his foster mom/robot Roz (Lupita Nyong’o) — Bowers’ music powers the ...
In addition to the music, the visuals also delighted the many guests who had come to marvel at the robot music. Als Kind baute Moritz Simon Geist Radios im Elternhaus auseinander; heute baut er ...
Titled "Human-robot cooperative piano playing with learning-based real-time music accompaniment," Huijiang and his co-authors Dr. Xiaoping Zhang and Professor Fumiya Iida, present a collaborative ...