Recovery time is faster. You and your doctor will think about several things in deciding whether you should have open resection or a laparoscopy. These include: The location and extent of the disease.
A segmentectomy is a surgical procedure that removes one of the ten anatomic segments of a lung. It requires some dissection of the artery, vein, and/or airway structures of that segment, and the ...
Among patients with stage IA non-small cell lung cancer, long-term survival was better with lobectomy or segmentectomy vs.
This surgery is for small, early stage colon cancers. Your surgeon removes the cancer from the bowel lining, along with a border of healthy tissue (margin). This is called a local resection. The ...
Using preoperative chest CT scans, researchers identified novel preoperative biomarkers for lung cancer recurrence ...
Both lobectomy and segmentectomy demonstrated better outcomes than wedge resection, which had 5-year ... on patient characteristics, surgical procedures, and outcomes. This study highlights ...
Cold endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) demonstrates lower rates of delayed bleeding and perforation but a higher risk for recurrent or residual neoplasia than hot EMR in colorectal polyp treatment.