which mark the beginnings of 'modern' string theory.' Donald Marolf, American Journal of Physics 'Physicists believe that the best hope for a fundamental theory of nature - including unification of ...
String theory unifies two incompatible concepts: Quantum physics describes the behavior of elementary particles and their exchange forces – neatly sorted on the shelves of the Standard Model of ...
True, it could offer a framework for the unification of quantum mechanics and ... unduly dominating theoretical physics research deserves inspection. String theory is bound to attract young ...
The quantum and gravitational theory group of the Brandeis Physics Department conducts research on a range of topics in theoretical physics, including string theory, classical and quantum gravity, ...
While some attempts to give string theory predictive power are underway, many physicists are looking elsewhere. Whether in the form of loop quantum gravity ... find new physics beyond the standard ...
The quantum and gravitational theory group works on a wide range of topics in theoretical physics, from string theory to quantum information, condensed matter, and cosmology.
String theory hopes to be a theory of quantum gravity ... replaced by a set of physics that are completely ignorant of that force…and a set of physics that we know how to solve.