I’ve come to realize something: a trip to the psychiatric ward doesn't always have to be a bad experience, now does it?
A man was wrongly imprisoned on a psychiatric ward for a year when they were just 15 years old. Banning Lyon revealed their ...
We keep it small, we stay home; last year my one friend from psych ward joined us which was lovely. What troubles me most about my experience is how difficult it is to convey to people the nature ...
Young women tell their stories from years spent on an adolescent psychiatric ward - a place supposed to make them better, but which they say failed them and left them traumatised. Show more Young ...
where it quickly went viral, clocking in over 4.5 million views. The clip also brought about a passionate discussion about their experiences in a psych ward.
“To get better, you have to experience reality.” Dooley speaks to other patients, of course – and, unlike some other documentaries, On The Psych Ward makes a point of offering closure on all ...