Sir Issac Newton, best known for formulating the laws of motion and gravity, predicted in a letter he penned in 1704 that the ...
Revelation 22:19 All Christians - Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant - agree that the Books in the Bible are the inspired, written Word of God but disagree on which Books belong in the Bible.
2 Peter 3:16 Ever since the Protestant Revolt in the 16th century, the Catholic Church has been accused of ignoring, opposing, hiding and even destroying the Bible in order to keep it from the people.
After the Bible is read there will usually be a sermon to explain what the Bible means for people in their daily lives. This means explaining and applying the Bible to worshippers today.
By Paul Cross, Spiritual Reflections Why can’t there just be one English Bible? Wouldn’t this make more sense than going into a bookstore, asking for a Bible, and having the clerk ...
Lifeway Research released a report titled “Pastors’ Views on Encouraging Bible Reading” based on responses collected by 1,003 Protestant pastors between Aug. 8 and Sept. 3, 2024. The report ...
In practice, this means that the Church will aim to make all its decisions and beliefs in light of what the Bible says. This is reflected in the practice of many Protestant Christians upon reading ...