T. dohrnii may bend the rules to rejuvenate itself, but it can't always cheat death. For example, jellyfish, including immortal ones, are prey to other animals, such as fish and turtles. Polyps are ...
The man-of-war comprises four separate polyps. It gets its name from the uppermost ... venom-filled nematocysts used to paralyze and kill fish and other small creatures. For humans, a man-of ...
Polyp Stage: The Early Life of a Jellyfish The ... are known for their ability to swim and capture prey, including small fish and crustaceans. Jellyfish stings from their tentacles immobilize ...
Coral polyps, the reef's building blocks ... almost every other living thing in the sea. Reef fish, too, respond to warmer waters—sometimes with bolder, more aggressive behavior toward both ...