Hangzhou is transformed into a poetic wonderland of plum blossoms every February. From ancient temples to tranquil lakesides, ...
Recently, tourists gathered at Xiaonanhai in Qianjiang District to enjoy the breathtaking sight of the plum blossoms in full ...
2月23日,游人在灵峰山下拍摄梅花。近日,浙江杭州著名赏梅地“灵峰探梅”的梅花迎来最佳观赏期,吸引大批游客前来。“灵峰探梅”位于杭州西湖西侧灵峰山下,自清代起即为赏梅胜地,目前约有5000株、100多个品种的梅花。 [新华社记者 翁忻旸 摄] ...
《Echoes of the Plum Grove》作为一款即将上线的农场模拟器游戏,还是十分不错的,游戏也是确定将会在4月30日正式的上线steam商店,游戏还支持中文 ...
Plum blossoms in Meiyuan Garden have recently entered their peak flowering season in Linhai City, east China's Zhejiang Province.