The term "phenotype" refers to the observable physical properties of an organism; these include the organism's appearance, development, and behavior. An organism's phenotype is determined by its ...
新血型 MAL 的发现解开了一个长达 50 年的谜团。来自英国国家医疗服务系统血液与移植部门(NHSBT)、NHSBT国际血型参考实验室(IBGRL)和布里斯托尔大学的研究人员确定了以前已知但神秘的 AnWj ...
As XEC, the latest COVID variant takes hold, we are watching viral evolution play out on a time scale short enough to follow, ...
Patients with low-count chronic lymphocytic leukemia phenotype monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis had a 1.86-fold greater risk ...
中国大学宿舍现状:有人在渡劫,有人被带飞,大学,学霸,女生宿舍,卧谈 ...
昆明理工大学生命科学与技术学院张传茂教授团队与北京大学等机构合作,揭示了核膜出芽在衰老中的重要作用,并发现了天然产物chaetocin通过激活ERK1/2信号通路来延缓衰老的新机制。这项研究为早老症(Hutchinson–Gilford ...
在找男朋友的时候,女孩子会看重些什么?听说要长得好看,声音好听,还要有才华?这个问题并不仅仅困扰着男性人类,想要读懂她们的心思可真是不容易。 为了讨妹子的欢心,雄性鸟类付出了太多努力,毕竟长成什么样才能算有魅力、吸引人(鸟),还是由她们说了算的…… ...
Program for Cancer and Cell Biology, Department of Human Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, School of Basic Medical Sciences; Peking University International Cancer Institute; and State Key Laboratory ...
Breast cancer cells, when disseminated to other secondary organs such as the lungs, may stay in a dormant state for years, even decades. But the mechanisms that limit their expansion are not well ...
This important study provides solid in-vivo evidence that CCR4 regulates the early inflammatory response during atherosclerotic plaque formation. The authors propose that altered T-cell response plays ...
南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 蔡廷卫)近日,我校植物科学技术学院农药毒理学与有害生物抗药性研究团队研究成果以“Insecticide susceptibility in a planthopper pest increases following inoculation with cultured Arsenophonus”为题在The ISME Journal发表 ...