If you are planning to travel to Papeete or any other city in French Polynesia, this airport locator will be a very useful tool. This page gives complete information about the Faa'a Airport along with ...
French Polynesia or if you are just curious to know the flight time between Honolulu and Papeete, this page will give you the information you are looking for. Flights operated by major airlines ...
Papeete is situated on Tahiti's northwest coast, just northeast of Faa'a International Airport, and can be reached via car or bus. Moorea 6-Hour Snorkeling and Lunch Shared Tour (1453 reviews) ...
Most travelers arrive into Faa'a International Airport (PPT), which is an approximately 4-mile drive west of the capital city of Papeete. If a representative from your hotel isn't picking you up ...