And my favorite: Pangolins rolling up into scale-covered balls to protect themselves from lions and tigers, which just bat at them, seemingly confused. Pangolins, it turns out, are pretty much ...
To our amazement, a pangolin strolled into the scene. Big mistake. The older females showed little interest but the young lions were onto it. The pangolin did what pangolins do best. It curled ...
When a pangolin mother is afraid, she rolls into a ball, protecting her soft, peach-fuzz belly and her baby with the armor of her scales. It’s good defense against a lion, but it’s about the ...
In Taiwan, a Formosan pangolin travels through a land of giants, including a bamboo forest alight with fireflies and an olive plantation, to discover a protected forest and a mate. His species is ...
A study of Chinese court records from 2010 to 2023 found that pangolin scale seizures peaked in 2018 and have since declined; while the authors attribute this to increased enforcement and public ...
Read the following text, and answer questions 1-9 below: [1] Pangolins include eight species of the Manidae family. They are distributed across Africa and Asia and are all used to an exclusive ...