The very first iteration of the console’s SoC is said to be code-named AO, and its tapeout is scheduled for 2025. In the past ...
据硬件消息人士KeplerL2透露,索尼互动娱乐(SIE)下一代游戏主机PS6的系统级芯片(SoC)设计已经完成,目前进入硅前验证阶段,预计在今年晚些 ...
【CNMO科技消息】近日,有消息透露,索尼PlayStation 6(PS6)的开发进程可能比预期加速。知情人士表示,该游戏机的系统级芯片(SoC)设计已经 ...
The launch of the PS6 is highly anticipated, despite us only just creeping into the PS5's fifth year on the market. But just like most console generations, it's likely that Sony is looking ahead ...
据知名AMD领域爆料者KeplerL2披露,PlayStation 6(PS6)的系统芯片(SoC)已完成设计,现已进入测试阶段,预计年底将进行“A0 tapeout”。该爆料者还称 ...
快科技1月21日消息,知情人士透露,AMD已经完成了PS6的SoC设计,目前正处于验证阶段。 据悉,该SoC采用了AMD内部代号为gfx13的GPU的早期分支 ...
根据最新的传闻,索尼PS6的SoC设计已经完成。 报道称,该芯片的首批生产将于今年晚些时候投产。从索尼生产游戏机的记录来看,最终硬件将在首款 ...
By the time a PS6 comes out, we would also expect at least 2TB of storage, especially if the console ends up being digital-only. One interesting wrinkle when talking about specs is a new rumor ...
Former PlayStation CEO Shawn Layden discusses the possibility of the PS6 launching without a disc drive included.
据了解,AMD已经完成了PlayStation 6(以下简称PS6)的系统芯片(SoC)设计,并正在进行验证测试。据悉,该SoC采用了AMD内部代号为gfx13的GPU的早期分支 ...
Sony's global market is too massive for a fully disc-less future, as Layden explains why PlayStation isn't following Xbox's digital-only lead anytime soon.