A new PlayStation 3 firmware update was released tonight. Firmware version 3.73 is not mandatory, it seems, but can be accessed via the ‘Update Firmware’ section of the XMB. No word on what it ...
Downloading and installing the PlayStation 3 software update will update your PS3 operating system to include the latest security patches, settings, features and other items. We encourage you to ...
Downloading and installing the PlayStation 3 software update will update your PS3 operating system to include the latest security patches, settings, features and other items. We encourage you to ...
据外媒报道,近日T台主播兼速通竞赛玩家 HeyBlasty 历经 9 个月,练习 800 多个小时,终于在无伤的条件下通关了《无主之地 2》。 不过两位玩家之间并没有竞争关系,Darksmoke11是受到HeyBlasty启发来完成这项挑战。他在HeyBlasty研究的安全路线上前进,战术却略有不同。事后 HeyBlasty 也在《无主之地 2》 Reddit ...
According to a posting on the PlayStation blog, Sony will release version 3.21 of the PS3 firmware this Thursday, April 1, that will disable the "install other OS" feature that allowed gamers to ...
Sony has finally gotten around to letting you buy stuff from the PlayStation Store without having to switch on your PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Vita... Sony has announced a new firmware update ...
Despite the success of remakes, many original PS3 games remain trapped on the older system. ...
Now, it turns out that it's possible to download and extract a BIOS from the official PS3 firmware with just a little bit of work. These steps are written for Windows, but they are quite similar ...
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探寻游戏世界巅峰之作!最新第一人称射击游戏人气与下载量双料冠军榜单揭晓。这十款经典之作凭借卓越的沉浸式体验,俘获了全球玩家的心。无论是硬核枪战迷还是策略爱好者,都将在这份排行榜中找到属于自己的最爱。一窥究竟,领略那些引领潮流、屡破记录的游戏巨头们是如 ...