有玩家日前在Reddit论坛发帖,晒出了自己进行了DIY处理后的PS5主机,机身为PS2主机的风格,外壳采用了黑色设计,并带有带有炫彩效果的“PS5”标志 ...
近日,一位玩家在Reddit论坛上分享了他的得意之作——一款以PS2主机为设计灵感的PS5 DIY作品,引起了广泛关注。 这款DIY PS5主机在外观上完美复刻了 ...
This time, we’re looking at the [mast1c0re] hack story by [cturt] – an effort to find bugs in PS2 emulation toolkit present on Sony PlayStation 4 and 5 consoles, proving fruitful in the end.
a PS2 theme with the floaty PlayStation icons, a PS3 theme with the classic wave design, and a PS4 theme with its own unique wavy patterns. Each theme also comes with its respective console’s sound ...
In a tweet, Sony confirmed that the much-loved classic themes leave tomorrow, January 31, 2025. However, it also confirmed that they will return at some point, which is certainly good news for PS5 ...
What makes this choice to port Dropship: United Peace Force to PS5 and PS4 is that the game really ... which means that this has always been a one-off release on PS2 that has never resulted ...
Announced back in the summer of last year, Captain Blood now has a 6th May release date on PS5 and PS4 ... Blood was always going to be a pirate-themed, hack and slash action game, complete ...
PlayStation celebrated its 30th anniversary last December and released several PS5 themes commemorating the occasion. Now, the themes are leaving tomorrow, January 31, but won't be gone for good.
A remaster of the 2019 action-adventure zombie game from Bend Studio, Days Gone, is being released in April on PS5 and PC, bringing a host of graphical updates and new modes. Owners of the PS4 or ...