One company value investors might notice is POSCO (PKX). PKX is currently sporting a Zacks Rank of #2 (Buy) and an A for Value. The stock has a Forward P/E ratio of 9.18. This compares to its ...
周二,CFRA将Posco(NYSE: PKX)的股票评级从持有下调至卖出。该公司还大幅下调了Posco的目标价,从70.00美元降至45.00美元。新的估值反映了2025年0.35倍的市净率(P/BV),比公司五年平均水平下降了28%。 自上次更新以来,Posco的股价已下跌16%,年初至今下跌40%。导致评级下调的因素包括Posco最近于9月24日被从韩国交易所的Korea Value-Up指 ...
View POSCO Holdings Inc. (PKX) current and estimated P/E ratio data provided by Seeking Alpha.
1 Day PKX -0.61% DJIA -0.31% S&P 500 -0.38% Basic Materials/Resources 0.01% ...
In this article, we are going to take a look at where POSCO Holdings Inc. (NYSE:PKX) stands against other best materials stocks. As the uncertainty about the US Presidential election faded ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
The overall quant rating is not an average of the factor grades listed. Instead, it gives greater weight to the metrics with the strongest predictive value.