During or after the holiday season, people often ask me why I don’t tell stories from the Judeo-Christian tradition. Frankly, ...
Canadian winters can be quite harsh at times. Between the bone-chilling cold and piles of snow, this time of year plays host ...
The constellation Orion was named after the hunter by the same name in Greek mythology and includes more than a dozen distant stars. But two are particularly bright: the red supergiant Betelgeuse ...
The James Webb Space Telescope captured images of 44 individual stars in a gorgeous portrait of a distant galaxy.
Hubble Space Telescope in December 1999, the Hubble Heritage Project captured this picture of NGC 1999, a nebula in the constellation Orion.
As we roll into January, like you I am also shaking the almost empty can of de-icer like Bez from the Happy Mondays in the morning as I try to ...
A community note appended to Hogan's original tweet notes that the "stars at the 39-second mark are recognizably the constellation Orion." "From this, you can determine that the bright lights ...
This month, four bright planets greet you in the early evening. Venus and Saturn cozy up on the 17th and 18th, while Mars is at its brightest in the past two years. The Moon occults Mars for those in ...
Mars reaches its much-anticipated opposition with the sun on Jan. 15, when Earth passes between Mars and the sun. Because ...
To see the Winter Triangle, first look for the three stars that make up the signature belt in the constellation Orion. Slightly lower and to the left of the belt will be Sirius, the brightest star ...
As our eyes slowly adjusted to the gazillion pinprick stars above, Wiesner pointed out constellations: Orion’s Belt, consisting of three bright stars; the Southern Cross, the famous navigation ...