Some lawmakers are moving to reinstate the traditional start date. House Bill 70, sponsored by state Rep. Brian Smith, ...
Columbus — The 2025-26 Ohio hunting and trapping season dates that begin in the fall of this year were proposed to the Ohio ...
Although I had no dog in the fight, I welcomed the change in 2019 by the Pennsylvania Game Commission that shifted the opening day of the firearms deer season from the Monday following Thanksgiving to ...
The controversy over the Saturday/Monday first day of deer season in Pennsylvania continues to simmer. The Game Commission decision to allow the orange army to go out the Saturday after Thanksgiving, ...
While Stracke saw the buck on opening weekend of Wisconsin’s bow season, the deer was hanging in a bachelor group that contained five other bucks, none of which ever got closer than 200 yards.
They need to be culled.” “Families are afraid to allow their kids to play outside for fear of tick bites.” “These are rats ...
The last arrow has been launched for the 2024-25 Arkansas deer hunting season, and the tally of checked deer stands at ...
“How bad of an idea is it to put the most participated deer season opening day smack dab in the middle of the most traveled family holiday of the year?” Santucci asked. Opponents, like ...