Since when has Elon Musk been elected? Could it be that he would like to continue getting federal subsidies on his businesses?” — Neil Fleischauer, Westminster ...
Six years after he ended his presidency (the weakest part of his legacy), Adams wrote that “the Creed of my whole Life” had been that “No simple Form of Government, can possibly secure Men against the ...
Jefferson was just as naïve to believe that oligarchy would wither and die if government would only deny it power. Mayville summarizes Jefferson’s view as “Old World aristocracies would be ...
“We are moving rapidly into an oligarchic form of society ... would call an oligarchy,” Murphy said. “What it means is that a handful of really rich people run the government, and they ...
This is oligarchy ... government shutdown. Despite Sanders’ accusations, Musk has downplayed claims of undue influence, stating his posts merely aim to inform followers, who are free to form ...