Deripaska launched a legal case after Navalny published, claiming that the videos he used were a breach of his privacy. A Russian court found in his favour. In a statement to CNBC, a spokesman ...
Oleg Deripaska, born in 1968, is Russia's youngest billionaire at age 35. Deripaska accumulated a business empire through a series of ruthless and elaborate, though technically legal, takeover raids.
In an interview with the Financial Times published Monday, oligarch Oleg Deripaska seemed astonished by Russia's economic resilience. "I was surprised that private business would be so flexible.
WASHINGTON, January 28. /TASS/. Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska has reduced his stake in En+ Group to 44.95% in accordance with US requirements as part of efforts to remove sanctions from the ...
had been allegedly connected with Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska. According to the US Department of Justice, the current issue is about the recording studio Ocean Studios California LLC ...