Doraemon and his friends travel to ancient Japan where they meet Kukuru. When Kukuru tells them that his tribe has been enslaved by Gigazombie, Doraemon decides to help him.
[en] 36th Doraemon the Movie: Nobita and the Birth of Japan 2016 Film's 1st Trailer Previews Story (Jul 26, 2015) ...
Nobita and his friends ran away from home, went to Japan of a primitive era by Doraemon's time machine and created their own paradise in there.
A Japanese actor who was the voice of "Doraemon", a cartoon cat robot beloved ... She "passed away on September 29 due to old age", her talent agency told AFP. Her funeral was attended by close ...
Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, May 6-12 (May 14, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, April 29-May 5 (May 7, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD Ranking, March 11-17 (Mar 19, 2019) Japan's Animation DVD ...
The manga and anime series have been read and watched by millions of fans in Japan and across the world and have been translated into dozens of languages. In the series, Doraemon arrives from the ...